Project Report

Project Report

The project report outlines the type of action plan needed. The project proposal can be used to obtain a grant or convince the board of directors to fund a new program. Project proposals consist of several sections, possibly including an overview, a description of the problem or purpose, the history or background of existing conditions, a review of the research, and so on.
A project report needs to be developed and a specific plan and process needs to be followed. Includes Preparing for a Project Proposal, Preparing a Project Report, Event / Tour Report, Usage Certificate, NGO Profile, Presentation, Test Report, Planning, Research Report, Research, Documents & Policy, Rules and Regulations, Actions, Development Report Development, Booklet , Format Development and Leaflet. The drafting of a project report is critical for NGO funding projects.
The project report is prepared to report that there are a few things that need to be looked at and help the NGO become clear and transparent. However, this report is made to look at the rules and regulations that a person needs to follow. A project preparation process is required for agencies to fund each other and NGOs should prepare them before submitting. From the design to the completion of the report, our experts would be available to assist NGOs at all stages. We provide the task of preparing a project report in any part of India.
NGO Experts is proud to have a hard working team that will work on project reports and make the work much easier for NGO managers. There is a format in which a project needs to be prepared and executed based on potential legal issues of the company, institution, organization and so on.
All non-governmental organizations need sufficient funds to successfully run the project. Project Reports are the basis of every NGO to apply for Govt. and Private Funds. Project reports are written mostly at the beginning of the project, in the middle of the project and at the end of a specific project to keep track of the work. Project reports can be monthly, quarterly and annual. Details that are relevant to the heart and soul of any project report i.e. dates, times, facts, and statistics should be used to build the credibility of the report. A high quality project report offers a better chance of being funded by Govt. Organizations or Foreigners. To build good Project Quality Report specific rules and format must be followed.

The documents required to prepare a Project Report are: –

  • NGO Registration Certificate
  • MOA (Memorandum of Association & Rules and Regulation of Society / Trust Deed)
  • Financials of past 3 years
  • Pan Card of the NGO
  • Bank Account Details
  • Registration Certificate 12A & 80G (Income Tax Act, 1961)
  • FCRA Registration
  • Niti Aayog Registration
  • Impact analysis, scope of project and vision of the project

We have a strong team of Project Writers for preparing quality reports for your NGO. Our team prepares various types of project reports after a complete overhaul of the mission, objectives and various alternatives to the proposed project by a non-governmental organization. Our team not only helps in obtaining a high quality report but also assists in filing a Project Report to the service concerned through the normal delivery process. Our Tax Advisory Team assists in preparing the Annual Balance Sheet (if not prepared by an NGO) that should also be submitted as part of the preparation of the Project Report

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